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Staff: Our staff members are trained and dedicated professionals.  The instructor’s endeavor is to provide an environment which nurture self esteem and to provide a learning environment that will produce a happy well-rounded child.


Admission Procedures: Enrollment forms will be given to parents upon enrollment. Each form must be completed, signed and returned to Ms. Seegers, before the child can attend. The child’s health Inventory and Immunization certificates are required to be completed and signed by the child’s pediatrician. Personal copies of immunization record are not accepted. Children are required to visit the center at least once before enrollment.


Center visit: All parents are encouraged to visit the center prior to enrollment. After enrollment, we also encourage parents to visit the center. Parents are welcome any time.


Arrival and Departure: Parents are required to escort their children into the center. Parents are required to sign the children in and out daily; each child will have his or her own sign in and out sheet in the receiving area. Only persons authorized on the information sheet and card will be allowed to pick up a child. Parents will be contacted for verification. If any person other than those specified attempt to pick up your child, parents should notify the center immediately that an unauthorized person will be picking up their child. The unauthorized person must have proper identification. On arrival and departure please check the bulletin board or notice above sign in sheet for important information.


Attendance: We ask that parents please call the center if your child is not attending on a particular day. Also call if your child is going to arrive after 9:00 am. No child is permitted to come to the center after 10:00 am unless with a doctor’s note. No exceptions


Hours of operation: 7 Am. - 6:30 pm.


Late fees: The center closes at 6:30 pm. A late fee of a dollar a minute will be charged, per child payable upon arrival to the staff present.


Registration Fees: $60.00 (per child) paid annual / Non Refundable


Book Fees:  are subject to change year by year.

Parent Teacher Communication: In helping to provide a consistent, stable atmosphere at home and at school, it is necessary to keep good communication between the school and home.


Medicine: Medicine may be administered depending on the circumstance, please do not send medication with your child to school without notifying the director first.


Sick Children: Due to licensing regulations, we cannot attend to sick children. Please do not bring children to the center ill. Please notify the center if your child becomes ill with a communicable disease or illness. If a child exhibits symptoms of illness or cannot function in the group program, we will immediately notify the parent.


Snow Days/ Inclement Weather: The center will go under Federal Government codes, and Prince Georges County Schools. When Federal Governments closes for inclement weather our center closes also. When Prince George’s county schools closed for inclement weather, the center will be close also. If the federal Government has an early dismissal for inclement weather our center will close four hours early. For all other inclement weather closings the director will use safety precautions. Please call the center by 4am. To hear openings and closings time.


Meals: We provide breakfast, which is consisting of cold or hot cereal, and milk. Lunch menu will be posted on the bulletin board. Snacks will consist of crackers, fruit of all kinds, cookies, and raw vegetables, with milk or juice.


Birthday Parties and Special Occasions: Please check with the director for birthday celebrations. If there will be a special visitor, you must clear that with the director at least five days in advance. Parents of the birthday child must help clean up after the party.


Potty Training: staff will assist the parent in potty training. Parents are responsible for brining diapers, pull-ups, baby wipes, and (tissues during the winter months).


What to bring to school: two small comfortable blankets for nap time. Blankets are sent home weekly for cleaning and must be returned on Monday morning. Please label your child’s blanket. Every child should have an extra set of clothing to keep at the center. Please label all items and remember to change them occasionally for the appropriate season. The center will not be responsible for lost items that are brought in that are not listed above. If your child wears glasses, please be sure that they are wearing them upon arrival and departure by signing in on the sign in and out sheet.



Reason for termination: (your child will be withdrawn from the center)



  • If the behavior of the child is hurtful towards others.


  • If the behavior of the child prevents the majority of the children in the group from receiving the benefits of the program.


  • If the child is repeatedly picked up after closing.


  • If the parent fails to pay the tuition on time as agreed.


  • If the center determines that our program cannot meet the needs of the parent and the child.

The withdrawal will be initiated after consultation with the parent.










Faith Child Care Center

Ages: 2yrs - 12yrs




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